Saturday 8 November 2014

The happiest newborns you've even seen

The happiest newborns you’ve ever seen

If there's something that can brighten your day quicker than a smiling baby, I'd like to know what it is. And then I'd like to bottle it.

I’m quite certain that there’s no day bad enough that a smile from a baby won’t brighten it. This became evident to me the other day when I had to renew my licence, an activity straight out of the handbook of Things That Are Not Even A Little Bit Fun.
Sitting across from me was a brand new mum and her brand new baby, who was gazing around the uninspiring architecture that is my local RTA. As I stood up to get my photo taken, I smiled down at the newborn, who locked eyes on me and smiled right back. I’d never been smiled at by such a new bundle before, and I shared an incredulous ‘she smiled at me!’ with her equally incredulous mum.
That’s when the older lady in the seat adjacent piped up. Old Sourpuss Mc Grumpypants chuckled ruefully and informed us both that it wasn’t a smile – it was ‘just wind’.
There is no greater killjoy than a person who looks at a baby’s smile and immediately declares it must be gas. While the first baby smiles generally come around the six week mark, I’m of the opinion that anything that brings so much joy should be celebrated, rather than being dismissed as a fart.
We both just laughed and went our separate ways, but I prefer to remember the experience as the one beacon of light in my otherwise painful encounter with bureaucracy. And as an act of rebellion I’ve decided to find some more smiling newborns to share – because after all it’s Friday, and we all need some good news to see us into the weekend.
Image via Thinkstock

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